We've Missed You

We have seen more and more visitors coming to Keswick over the past week or so - it has been wonderful to see you experiencing what our market town has to offer and, for many of you, it has been your first time here!

It's really exciting to see Keswick coming back to life as the UK COVID-19 lockdown begins to ease, but we must ask all of our visitors to please be caring to Keswick and its residents when you're here.

Please keep to the appropriate social distance, please wash your hands or use hand sanitiser regularly, and please respect the new regulations of every individual establishment you visit.

We've been speaking to the owners of Keswick-based businesses, asking them about their new COVID-19 regulations, if they have any concerns, and what they're looking forward to the most.

“We’ve really missed having guests here at Sunnyside, it’s been so quiet. We’ve missed hearing their laughter around the house and chatting to them all, hearing about what they’ve been doing and their plans for the day.

“We hope most guests will continue to respect the guidelines we’ve all had to follow over the past three months. But we are asking them to please respect other guests and ourselves by utilising the hand sanitiser we’re providing and maintain good social distancing.

“We’re really looking forward to a return of the great atmosphere and seeing life back in Keswick; full of happy visitors, with excited stories of their adventures.”

“We are very much looking forward to the bustle and vibrancy of Keswick on a summer's evening; the excitement that only comes with being on holiday and I suspect it will be felt even more keenly this year.

“We have reduced the maximum number of people who can attend a Lakeland Hauntings Ghost Walk and audience members will be asked to wear a suitable face covering and maintain social distancing throughout the performance but, other than that, the experience will have changed little. From slate built houses to the surrounding lakes and fells this is an area steeped in legend and mystery. Follow “The Lady”… if you dare.

“I have missed spending time with "The Lady". As she glides around the streets of Keswick, she has a cheery hello for every passer-by; it is as if the whole town is her stage. The interactions with visitors and locals alike can be very entertaining and, of course we've missed the audiences but, more than that, we've missed Keswick being wonderful, energetic and engaging.”

Newlands Adventure Centre

“We have missed taking out on activities the many school and youth groups that come to the Climbing Wall and Newlands Adventure Centre. For many of these youngsters, it is their first time away from home and experiencing an environment that is very different to where they live.

“They are having life changing experiences and we are proud to be part of that experience. We have also missed the camaraderie of the staff as we usually live and work together, some returning for many years and of course not having any income has been stressful.

“We know that people expect businesses to be as Covid secure as they possible can be to protect the staff and customers. We are a certified Good To Go business under the Visit England scheme and have all our risk assessments and new operational procedures in place.”

“We look forward to welcoming you back to Peter Rabbit & Friends and Thank You for all your support. Please stay safe and heed advice on social distancing.”

We are suggesting our guests support our local shops as much as possible, many of our small local businesses have been brilliant during lockdown, providing much needed support to some of our most vulnerable people - they deserve our support now.

“We are encouraging 2 m social distancing, and being aware of our local community - particularly as we have a higher proportion of older/vulnerable people than some communities.

“As a business , I have missed getting to know new guests and seeing our regulars again! Can’t wait to have them back! I’m looking forward to the energy, enthusiasm, and excitement of our visitors to make this beautiful but quiet area come alive!”